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Government Financial Performance Benchmarking and the Citizens’ Wealth Framework – Why Care?

  1. Why JI-Analytics?
    1. World’s best:  JI-Analytics is the world’s best government financial performance benchmarking firm.
    2. High value-add analytics:  JI-Analytics creates the world’s best high value-add financial performance analytics on sovereign and regional governments for both   single government historical benchmarking and peer government benchmarking.
    3. US$250 million investment:  Since 2012, JI-Analytics has invested in the Citizens’ Wealth Framework (CWF) intellectual property over US$250 million, with the  work of approximately 300 of the smartest experts across twenty-one (21) professional sectors and built on continuously updated analytics of decades of information from eleven (11) informational silos to discover previously hidden intelligence.
  2. Why understanding the Government Total Balance Sheet and the CWF 12 KPIs is essential?
    1. GTBS & GTNW:  The Government Total Balance Sheet (GTBS) can provide unparalleled insights into a government’s financial position at a point in time and its financial performance change over time, and Government Total Net Worth (GTNW) provides the result of decisions from a financial perspective.
    2. Consequences:  Government financial decisions directly affect the probability and consequences of debt, currency, and financial crises, which have a disproportionally large impact on society’s most financially vulnerable.
    3. Improving:  To improve financial security and financial prosperity, decision-makers should understand both the GTBS and the CWF 12 KPs financial track record, financial performance versus peers and benchmarks, and short-term financial projections.
  3. Why is the CW framework and its 12 KPIs a better framework?
    1. CWF:  The Citizens’ Wealth Framework (CWF) is both “a quantum leap in government financial performance management” and “the greatest advance in sovereign risk analysis”.
    2. Comparison:  The Citizens’ Wealth Framework includes the Government Total Balance Sheet (GTBS) and represents a quantifiable improvement over financial debt and cash deficit framework, and especially the focus on a single debt number that is only one of four parts of the GTBS.
    3. Systemic Misconceptions:  Identifies and corrects systemic misconceptions, and reveals previously hidden insights, resulting in improved government financial performance.
    4. Incorrect numbers:  JI-Analytics has discovered that it is not uncommon for numbers from widely used official sources to incorrectly overstate or understate GTBS numbers by 50+ percentage points of GDP.

See Citizens’ Wealth Framework 2024 on JI-Analytics website with seven sections:  Section A. Terminology Definitions; Section B. Terminology Rationale; Section C. 12 KPIs Definitions; Section D. Sources and Methodology; Section E. Citizens’ Wealth Additional Information; Section F. KPIs Formula Examples – United States Federal Government; Section G. Select Citizens’ Wealth KPIs: Basic Math Examples (2001-2021) (www.jianalytics.com/citizens-wealth-framework-2024/).

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The Founder and Managing Director of JI-Analytics is Paul B. Kazarian, who is also the Founder and Managing Partner of Japonica Partners and the Founder and President of the Charles & Agnes Kazarian Foundation.

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JI-Analytics Bahnhofquai 11 8001 Zürich, Switzerland T/ +41 21 539 2000 E/ info-international@jianalytics.com