Education Resources

JI-Analytics and our affiliates have an impressive track record as a lead steer opinion maker educating both public and private sectors globally through a wide range of mediums.

To date, JI-Analytics and our affiliates have extensively educated, many through multiple and lengthy sessions, scores of leading steer investors, mega-institutional investors, and the senior-most leadership of 12 of the largest 14 sovereign wealth funds in the world, who collectively had assets under management of $8.0 trillion with an approximate $4.0 trillion in fixed income.

We use our Citizens’ Wealth Framework to educate and correct systemic misconceptions of senior-most leadership of major international stakeholders, including prime ministries, finance ministries, parliaments throughout Europe and Asia, IMF, IIF, ECB, OECD, UN, World Bank, CDU, EWG, ESM, Paris Club, US SEC, IFAC, CIPFA, AHCC, CESifo, CEPS, ICAEW, BHCC, and credit rating agencies.

Our team effectively utilizes media venues to educate on topics related to the Citizens’ Wealth Framework including articles and appearances by our Managing Director and team. Highlights of our public education include a front page NYT featured article, a seven-article series in the Financial Times, articles in the Wall Street Journal, Der Spiegel, Straits Times, Barron’s, Fortune, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and appearances on Bloomberg, BBC, CNN, and German Public Radio.

Our team members have organized and participated in hundreds of high-impact presentations educating on the Citizens’ Wealth Framework including: the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, CEPS, CESifo, CIPFA, Economist, Economic Council of CDU, EGPA, European Court of Auditors, ESM, EWG, FEE, Harvard Business School (including an HBS case study on sovereign debt sustainability), ICAEW, IIF, IFAC, IMF, INET Oxford, IOBE, ISCTE, London Business School, the New Era in Sovereign Accounting series, OECD, PMI Congress, Standard & Poor’s, University of Southern California, and the World Bank.

In recognition of the firm’s expertise, our Managing Director served as sole Special Advisor to the CEPS Task Force on European Union Government Balance Sheets, received the 2016 William Pitt the Younger Award for extraordinary leadership in strengthening democracy through public financial management, was co-founder and Adjunct Professor of Columbia Business School graduate level class B8024 “Assessing Sovereign Risk and Performance with Financial Statement Analysis in a World of Recurring Crises”, one of a two panelist university moderated roundtable on Broken Models of Public Finance with a subsequent chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors, which was published in the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, and co-author of a Greek sovereign debt article in Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy.

From an investment perspective, the CWF revealed systemic misconceptions and provided the smartest intelligence essential to one of the most successful sovereign bond investments in modern times.

See full page Financial Times notices with sneak previews of U.K. government HVA #614 (18 July 2024) and U.S. government HVA #611 (25 June 2024).

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JI-Analytics Bahnhofquai 11 8001 Zürich, Switzerland T/ +41 21 539 2000 E/